JUAN O SAVIN- Where are we now? DRAIN IT! - Red Pill Project 5 7 2024

9 months ago

James Grundvig with a great set of Questions and Juan in his element.
Please view James channel at the Red Pill Project Unrestricted Warfare Ep. 92
This is a great update that includes a bit of prodding to develop your local networks. And he is not talking about the INTERNET. You offer yourself your skill your abilities during the coming time. Provide "oxygen" for yourself FIRST and then for those around you. Basic COMMON SENSE. I am always reminded of this time of year coming into Summer to think about planning and planting. Those of us that engage with the natural world are much better off than those on Social Media going after all of the PATRIOTS and saying "they aren't doing enough" or on MSM thinking all is doom and gloom. We are being Emotionally Played.
Use the Sea as the great Balance.. the level of water that is a part of you and everything. And know that God is the Creator Force not Satan. If you get into the DRIFT and FLOW STATE you will manage everything around you with Dignity and Aplomb. Do try and use your inner workings to "chart your course" and "keep your course and speed" even if the waves start to rise. But if it is the STORM get to port. A wise man sees trouble and gets out the way. If you need guidance ASK GOD. And take time right now to understand how much we have gotten done.
See the play lists for JUAN O SAVIN PRESENTATIONS and dive into the realm of a man who understands that we all can assist in our own way.
As for TRUMP.. DRAIN IT! And Flush out the Deep State!

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