USA must arrest & deport people defacing the statue of George Washington

4 months ago

USA must arrest & deport people defacing the statue of George Washington

The United States of America must deport or jail people defacing the statue of George Washington.
At the George Washington University pro-palestinian protesters defaced the statue of George Washington and covered it with Palestinian Flags.

What is the FBI and CIA doing? If these ruthless protesters are doing like this. The Americans have helped Palestinians a lot.
I am pro-American. The USA has done much to help the world, including Palestinians.
America must return to the spirit of American founding fathers or even the policy of isolation of the 1920s.

Palestinians and most of the Arab world are fighting a religious warfare with Israel. Palestinians do not want Israel to exist. They want the World to help them drive Israel from the river to the sea. That we cannot do.
It was going to make sense if they were saying we want co-existence with Israel and we want our Palestinian state. Then denounce and refrain from violence.

Not this thing of wanton violence, shedding blood and ISIS is nonsense and does not make sense in this modern world of human rights. These evil religious ideologies must be discarded.

Americans do not have political freedom. All the donors donate money only to Republicans and Democrats. The Americans are forced to choose only between two political parties. Democracy is an illusion in America. The leaders of these two political parties are told what to do by the rich illites. American foreign policy becomes evil. It is departing fast from Christianity which led to the formation of the United States of America. God influenced the formation of this great nation. It was a miracle how the might of the British Army was defeated in American colonies.

The Americans must return to Christian principles of economy, politics and human rights.
I support the existence of the United States of America. The globalist elites must be destroyed. Fake diseases and fake vaccinations must be destroyed. The secret society of the deep state must be destroyed. The evil financial system, the Federal Reserve, must be changed. The American Federal bank is owned by foreign banks which print money with no backing of wealth and loan this money to the USA government at high interest.

All those immigrants who do not respect American culture must be deported. America is being flooded by people who hate it. Massive deportations must be staged if America is to gain its values. People with religions that do not respect women and human life must never be allowed to resettle in the USA.

Please read an article I pasted below. It was written by an American Patriot, Frank D. Lovell.

Please remember to support my Agriculture projects. Click here:

I am not physically in the USA but my heart and soul is in the USA and I support Americans who want to correct wrong things.

By Collen Makumbirofa

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