Article 4792 Video - A Life Review - Monday, May 6, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article 4792 Video - A Life Review - Monday, May 6, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

People returning from Near Death Experiences often report going through a "life review process" in which they endure experiencing their recently expired life from both sides of painful interactions, seeing not only what they did, but how their actions impacted others --- in both good and bad ways --- that they never knew about at the time.

Through a glass and darkly, I put myself through a similar review to the extent that I can make such an effort with only one point of view and I think about the Biblical warnings against being hard hearted, haughty, uncaring, selfish, ungrateful, and hypocritical.

As I have gotten older, my errors have changed their kind and character. I am no longer impatient or contemptuous of my fellowman, as youth can be; nor am I selfish in my pursuits, having had as many good things and experiences as anyone could reasonably wish for, I can acquit myself of those sorts of mistakes.

It isn't in my character, in youth or old age, to be a hypocrite; I somehow never had that propensity. Likewise, ingratitude is foreign to my nature, which is always grateful for every ray of sunshine and every drop of rain, whether I say so or not.

Silence on that score should never be taken for lack of gratitude, as thousands of notes and emails can attest.

No, I try my best and I fail, but my heart is in the right place and can be acquitted for the frailty of the flesh and the limits of time granted to me for my personal life. I must at some point throw up my hands and keep focused on the work, so I do, even though I would rather be writing thank you notes and cards and letters.

As I get older my sins tend to be of this kind, where time and circumstance rather than hardness of heart is in my way, and omission or failure to perform in other ways, also seems to be the order of the day. There is simply too much coming at me, and so I struggle to keep focused on my work, my actual work, and pray that I am not going two steps forward and three steps back, for all my failures to meet other needs.

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