🚨Astana: city for kings or city for fallen angels🚨 Astana anagram for Satan🚨 Borat was a front🚨

10 months ago

The movie Borat featured a place called Kazakhstan in Kazakhstan. There is a city called Astana, which happens to be an anagram for the word, Satan.

If you look at the city Astana you will see a big white torch like the Statue of Liberty and an egg like an Easter

There are also a bunch of buildings decked out with free energy technology

There is also a pyramid with 200 perfectly arranged seats in the top of it, secretly hidden away for meetings

But the most intriguing thing yet is a portal on the water

And if you remember from the commercial from liquid death, whenever you are bringing spirits into this world, you give them water as a vessel to transfer over
So a huge portal over the water is very very telling of what they’re trying to do

This is the city for evil
Astana is even an anagram for Satan

Look it up

Astana in Kazakhstan

Look for yourself

🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨MUST WATCH💯🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨

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