The three levels of contentment.

8 months ago

The evil Siamese twin of religion and politics have brainwashed people into an evil understanding of contentment.

The lie is that politics and religion will provide you with contentment.
To the contrary they cause the most misery, death and destruction.
The only person that can define your contentment is yourself.

This video will help you to define your contentment.

The three levels of contentment are contentment itself, higher contentment is happiness and the highest form of contentment is joy.
The literal meaning of content is to contain as in the content of the jar or book.
So what do you have to contain within you to be content.
And the answer is something of value.
Something that is worthy to be contained in you?
The duality provides you with two options that you can contain within you.
And that is good or evil.

The level of contentment for the person that chooses good or evil is the same.
Hopefully you have chosen goodness to be contained within you to be content.
This is the choice that mighty one human's make.

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