Authority - Part I - 12/04/2022 | Our Identity In Christ Series |

9 months ago

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Pastor Jacob Gardner

Our Identity In Christ
1. We Are Victorious - (1 Corinthians 15.55-57)
2. We Are Heard - (1 Peter 3.12)
3. We Are Free - (Galatians 5.1)
4. We Are Set Apart - (John 15.19)
5. We Are Strong - (Ephesians 6.10)
6. We Are Never Alone - (Hebrews 13.5)


1. What Is Authority?

Authority - The power or right to give orders, make decision, and enforce obedience.
- The power to influence others because of one's commanding manner or recognized knowledge about something.
(Luke 10.19)

Exousia - Ability, privilege, force, capacity, competency, freedom, mastery, delegated influence.
- Authority, jurisdictions, liberty, power, right, strength

Dunamis - Force, miraculous power, strength, mighty work

2. History Of Authority - (Genesis 1.26) (Psalm 115.16) (Luke 4.6) (Romans 5.12) (1 Peter 1.18-19) (Revelation 1.18) (Matthew 28.18) (Colossians 2.15) (John 3.35)

3. We Must Move - (1 Peter 5.8) (Luke 10.19) (Matthew 16.19)

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