Suppressors 101: Should I Put A Suppressor On A Long Range Precision Rifle?

9 months ago

Our viewers have frequently requested this topic, so we're dedicating a whole video on whether or not you should put a suppressor on a long range precision rifle. Rob explores the the various benefits of placing a suppressor on a precision rifle, particularly a bolt action rifle. We address the differences between gas guns vs bolt guns, effects on barrel harmonics & point of impact (POI) shift, velocity, signature reduction and recoil reduction.
#556 #762 #hunting #hunter #longrange #longrangeshooting

00:00 - Intro
00:21 - Gas Guns vs Bolt Guns
02:13 - Barrel Harmonics & POI Shift
03:30 - Increased Velocity
03:52 - Signature Reduction
05:04 - Recoil Reduction
05:52 - Final Thoughts

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