God did not send His Son to condemn the world

8 months ago

On Easter Sunday, March 31, 2024, JLP reads a couple of passages from John — John 5: 25, and John 3: 16-17 — gets feedback, and shares a message.

John 5: 25 – In all truth I tell you, the hour is coming -- indeed it is already here -- when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and all who hear it will live.

John 3: 16-17 – For this is how God loved the world: he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life. For God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but so that through him the world might be saved.

00:00 John 5: 25, John 3: 16-17
01:14 Feedback: Dead will hear and live (Are you alive?)
03:30 Feedback: God sent Son not to condemn
05:21 Tip: Check out 3/27/24 Wed. JLP show...
06:38 Feedback on Scripture: Death, Life, Save not Condemn
08:59 Easter: God sent Christ into Hell
10:51 Christ bought us back; all sins wiped away
11:41 He did not condemn us; controlled by the Devil
12:58 You are not your thoughts, body, or emotions
13:33 Human beings hate mothers (Hell), yearn for fathers
14:55 Anger is abnormal nature
15:10 Christ is our Brother, not God.
15:46 Your father the Devil controls "you." Not you. Forgive.
17:53 Anyone with anger is dead. Ego is death, not life. Fear.
18:49 Die ego death, all ideas, thoughts.
19:57 Dying the ego death is not easy.
20:29 People hear the word and fall away.
21:02 Die from yourself, deal with perfect love.
21:30 Christ your Brother, not your God.
21:49 Controlled by the Spirit of God (not the Devil);
22:15 Be born again: Forgive, apologize for being angry.
22:43 Perfect peace, the mind of God vs mind of Devil (identities)
23:16 Nobody has morals and values. From God only: Forgive. Love.
24:39 Biblical Q: What connects you to the physical world...?
25:22 Reflection: God brought you through some Hell (Easter)
26:15 No impression (judgment) of yourself or anyone
26:49 Forgive mothers, fathers. God forgives you. Salvation in the heart.
27:23 Feedback: Lie about waiting for Heaven till after death

FULL VIDEO: No One Has Morals and Values (Easter Service) | Church 3/31/24
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