9 months ago

This video depicts how Almighty God, Yahweh, bore through this canvas to deliver a prophetic message over Antarctica and to the Body of Messiah. It came in stages but it was a powerful set of messages that created this piece of art while interpreting the LORD'S Heart. You can see the written format of the WORD BLOG on my website: andreabeloff.com. Here I speak the message. Let us pray into this like this: Our Father, Hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on EARTH, as it is in Heaven.

For any suggestions on the Title of this piece, please comment below. The final winner will get a prize, a box full of my prophetic art cards, including this one.

Thank you for following me. I will be posting here more regularly. The time has come! Please like, comment, and share.
God bless you all. May Yeshua be our Light that we may not walk in darkness.

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