9 months ago

UFO contact is well-known for high levels of strangeness. When people encounter extraterrestrials face-to-face, or go onboard a craft, things can go from strange to truly bizarre. This video presents five fascinating cases from across the planet, all of which contain incredibly odd and unique elements of high strangeness. Each of these five cases include sightings, landings, humanoids, and an onboard encounter. Each contain compelling physical evidence of one kind or another. These cases also have some important insights into the UFO/extraterrestrial phenomenon.

THE CASE OF CATHIE CONNELLY. In the summer of 1940, Cathie Connelly was walking down a country lane in Meriden, England when she noticed a small, strange structure in the field next to the road. Tall odd-looking men wearing jumpsuits stood next to it. When she returned later during her walk, it was gone. She realized it must have been a craft. Months afterward, while working at a factory, she saw one of the men she had seen next to this craft, and he approached Cathie and told her that he was an ET. So began Cathie’s amazing contacts. She was soon taken onboard. She saw human-looking people and blue-skinned beings with cat-like eyes. She was physically examined and given a tour of the craft. They took her to an active war-area with planes fighting each other, and then to New York City, showing her the Statue of Liberty. Many other incidents of high strangeness occurred, including being healed, going back in time to certain childhood events, and to a country in Africa. It’s one of the UK’s earliest accounts of an onboard encounter.

THE CASE OF ARNE-HARDER JORGENSEN. One afternoon in August of 1956, ten-year-old Arne-Harder Jorgensen played a game of Cowboys & Indians with his friends near his home in Vaklev, Denmark. Suddenly he heard foreign-sounding voices and laughter coming from nearby. Peaking outside of his hiding place, he saw three short, bald humanoids wearing strange jumpsuits and eating berries from a berry bush. Without warning, the ETs turned and stared right at him. Arne tried to flee back to his hiding place, but found that he was paralyzed. One of the short humanoids studied him from head to toe, and then walked away. Moments later, a silver saucer-shape craft took off from behind a nearby hill, and Arne’s paralysis lifted. He ran home to find that it was now almost dark. The next morning, he and his friends discovered four deep holes in the ground. Also, three chickens were missing from a neighbor’s coop. Later, Arne had two close-up UFO sightings. Arne later had two additional sightings and wrote a small book about his experiences.

THE CASE OF ONILSON PATERO. On the night of May 22, 1973, Onilson Patero was driving to his him in Catanduva, Brazil when he picked up a hitchhiker, a young blond-haired, blue-eyed man. They spoke for an hour or two, and the man proved to be unusually intelligent. As Arne dropped off the hitchhiker, the man said they would meet again. Continuing his drive, Onilson’s car suddenly lost power. A UFO appeared and shone a beam of light onto his car, turning it transparent. Onilson ran from his car and fainted. He was found by another passing vehicle, unconscious lying next to the road. He had vague memories of seeing stange figures. Then, one year later, on the night of April 26, 1974, Onilson was on another road-trip when he saw the same UFO again. He was struck by a beam of light, and taken onboard, where he saw the same blond, blue-eyed hitchhiker. Onilson was given an exam and experienced many strange events onboard, including being physically examined, seeing his own twin, being taken to another country in Europe and more. The ETs dropped him off. To his shock, it was now six days later and he was 745 miles from his original location. The case remains one of Brazil’s most famous and best documented onboard UFO encounters.

THE CASE OF DAVID HAMEL. On Oct 12, 1975, David Hamel (a carpenter,) his wife Ruth and a friend were watching TV in his home in Maple Ridge, Canada. Suddenly the TV screen became staticky and two tall Asian-looking figures appeared and pulled David up into a craft. David was given a tour of the craft, and the ETs shared volumes of highly scientific and philosophical information. The ETs warned him about nuclear power, and then told him that they would give him detailed instructions about how to build a free-energy motor. Returning him to his home, David’s life changed as he remained in contact with the ETs. Later his wife would see the ETs. David began a lifelong quest to build a UFO craft, using a concept of counter-rotating magnets. He spent thousands of dollars and eventually built a motor, which spontaneously exploded. He continued his efforts, soon attracting the attention of prominent scientists. Two books have been written about his case.

THE CASE OF ELIZABETH HESS. In 1954, thirteen-year-old Elizabeth Hess (pseudonym) and her mother experienced missing time during a trip to the store near their home in New York City. Years later, in November 1989, Elizabeth (now 38) woke up to find three strange humanoids in her downtown Manhattan apartment. They led her down the street to the Hudson River along with a group of other people, where she met a tall gray. A strange experience followed where Elizabeth was instructed to pick a glass of water and give it to a homeless woman. Next, Elizabeth was back in her home, undergoing a medical procedure at the hands of the ETs, who told her that they were doctors, and that she needed to quit smoking and eating chocolate. Later, Elizabeth had several miscarriages involving a missing fetus. The case was thoroughly investigated by researchers from the Long Island UFO Network.

These five cases typify the high strangeness that is so often present during UFO contact. They reveal some of the ETs’ agendas on this planet, and that people all over the world are experiencing contact with a wide variety of humanoids. The evidence speaks for itself. We are not alone!

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