World Health Organization's Biological Warfare Program: Presentation by Dr Meryl Nass

9 months ago

Dr Meryl Nass is a board certified internal medicine physician from Maine, USA. Her special interests include anthrax vaccine-induced illnesses, chronic fatigue syndrome, Gulf War illness, fibromyalgia and toxicology. As a biological warfare epidemiologist, she investigated the world’s largest anthrax epizootic during the Rhodesia’s civil war in Zimbabwe, and developed a model for analyzing epidemics to assess whether they are natural or man-made. She has given six congressional testimonies and has testified for legislatures across America and Canada on bioterrorism, Gulf War Syndrome, and vaccine safety and mandates. Read more here:

As an expert in biological warfare, Dr Nass understands the current activities at the World Health Organization relating to "pandemic preparedness" better than anyone and has identified this as a project in biological warfare for power and profit. She launched with a team of equally qualified experts in public health, infectious disease epidemiology, law and human rights, as a way to inform the world of what is underway and how to help obstruct it.

Dr Nass delivered this presentation to a Pacific Rim audience, arranged via New Zealand's human rights group Voices for Freedom, in April 2014.

VIDEO SOURCE (from around 34 minutes):

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