Weaponization Debate with John Glen Weaver vs Cheap Tricks Ricketts - 2024 Nebraska Primary Debate

9 months ago

Scott: What do you think about the weaponization of the corrupt DOJ by the criminal Biden administration?

John Glen Weaver: I’m going to stop the weaponiztion.

Chris: He’s going to stop the Weaponization.

Gary: Dementia Joe’s DOJ is out of control.

Cheap Tricks Ricketts: So like hey guys I’m totally for the weaponization of the DOJ and anyway the Government can punish anyone who’s against the New World Order that I’m trying to join by selling out America and double-crossing Nebraskans. I hope I can weaponize the justice system to go after anyone who doesn’t think I’m super cool because there’s no place like Nebraska.

Rosie: He’s going to continue the corruption.

Ian: I would like to order a “new world” too, does it come with a toy?

Scott: Well there you have it folks, the choice between truth and justice or a corrupt and crazy banana republic.

Vote John Glen Weaver

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