“Who Am I?: The Idolatry of Human Identity”

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Is our individual identity in our gender, whether biological or some amorphous inner knowingness? Is it our national heritage, ancestral origins, ancestral traditions, or something else? There is an increase in ancestral veneration, Haitian Vodou, Brazilian Candomblé, Cuban Santería, and Ifá among segments of our culture, but are they creating greater division, segregation, and fueling racism? Is this culminating in “The Idolatry of Human Identity”?

Salvador Ung Hayworth – KwaZulu Mission - https://kwazulumission.com/
The Idolatry of Human Identity - https://youtu.be/fa79E7u4t8s?feature=shared
Witnessing to People Involved in Ancestral Traditions (Full version) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rizO4HhZFwo

Ivani Greppi - Website - https://www.ivanigreppi.com/ Book: Cast Out: Chronicles of a Familiar Spirit - https://www.amazon.com/dp/1949297454?linkCode=ssc&tag=onamzmidchrou-20

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