Rites of Passage

10 months ago

Audrey Thorp joins us tonight on Raw Love to share her perspective on the Rites of Passages for men and women from a physiological and sociological lens.

What are they?

How do we experience them?

And what is the importance of community in these experiences?

As the world goes through one of its greatest transitions back to connection with The Mother, I have a feeling getting in touch with these rites of passages will make it smoother.

Full episode https://rumble.com/v4tr1fq-episode-14-rites-of-passage.html

Audrey is first and foremost a mother and the matriarch of her family. She is a holistic and physiologic caretaker, supporting women on their journeys and rites of passage from menarche through menopause and beyond for the past 15+ years.

Audrey is an autonomous midwife, a mentor, a homeopathic practitioner specializing in the feminine art of intuitive and constitutional prescribing, and the host of Matriarchal Medicine.

Find Audrey:
Podcast: Matriarchal Medicine (www.audreythorp.com/podcast) or enjoy on all major platforms

From age 5 Kelly knew she’d be traveling the world teaching and showing others how to heal… but no idea of the spiritual ass kicking she’d live through to cultivate the strength and wisdom to do so.

Kelly combines her wisdom from the “School of Hard Knocks”, and her professional training in Psychosomatic Therapy and reprogramming the BodyMind, to courageously walk with humanity through the complexities of life.

FB/IG/TkTk/YT/Rumble @KellyLoveRewilding

Tanya is a passionate creative dedicated to illuminating the profound connections between the inner self and the world, fostering personal growth through discernment-driven intuition, and inspiring spiritual awareness in every moment created through her art forms.

IG: @ShotTheBreezeRaw

#RitesOfPassage #SoulMuchLove #SpiritualAdulting #SpiritualMaturity #EmotionalMaturity #SpiritualGrowth #EmotionalIntelligence #ConsciousCommunication #Enlightment #InsideJob #DoTheWork #InnerWork #ShadowWork #InTransition #Transformation #MotherEarth

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