Exodus, Part 19

10 months ago

We cannot approach God without addressing our sins first; there has to be an atonement for our sins. Join us as Amy teaches the parallels between the continual sacrifices for the atonement of sins in Exodus Chapters 27 & 28, to Christ's death on the cross as our final atonement, our eternal redemption.

Did you ever wonder how Jesus could become our High Priest and not be from the tribe of Levi? He brought a change from the old order, He comes from the tribe of Judah, the order of Melchizedek, He opens the door for any who are born again through Christ into the High Priesthood, and none that believe in Him are excluded. How beautiful this gift! We now have authority to come into the Holy of Holies, to stand before the throne of the Most High God, to commune with Him, all because of the sacrifice Christ made for us. How does it feel to know that you are part of a Royal Priesthood? A chosen generation?

This is a verse-by-verse Bible study, allowing deep understanding and context of God's Word. This audio-only recording was adapted from a live Zoom meeting that originally took place on 04/24/24.

Amy offers online Biblical Christian counseling. For more information, visit her website at www.biblicalguidancecounseling.com or email her at amy@biblicalguidancecounseling.com

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