Dr. Peter McCullough & John Leake: The Greatest Conspiracy In History! (The Hot Zone)

4 months ago

Excellent eBook: QUIT SMOKING OR DIE!

The Greatest Conspiracy In History
The HOT ZONE: Seattle, Capitol Hill, Chapel Hill, Wuhan, Kyoto (the entire world is a hot zone!)
By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
May 07, 2024


Last week’s Congressional hearing in which EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak was questioned struck me as an inversion of the aria 'Se vuol ballare' from Mozart’s Marriage of Figaro. The aria expresses Figaro’s consternation that the count has romantic designs on Susanna (Figaro’s fiancee). “Se vuol ballare, Signor Contino,” Figaro sings -- that is, “If you want to dance, my little count.”

At one point in the song, he declares, “I’ll find out [the truth of what’s going on] by playing dumb.”

In the case of Congress and the origin of SARS-CoV-2, our elected representatives appear to be both genuinely dumb and playing dumb.

As we discuss in this episode of the HOT ZONE, it seems that the reality of this man-made catastrophe is too enormous, and the potential liabilities too stupendous, for it to be officially acknowledged. And so our government and media are participating in the greatest conspiracy (to conceal a momentous truth) in history.

We also discuss an extraordinary new study of cardiac arrest data from Seattle, a Japanese oncologist’s bold pronouncements, an illuminating text exchange among senior Facebook executives, and a retired Air Force colonel’s shocking testimony about the 2001 Anthrax Attacks.

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