I would eat it 3 times a day❗ Dinner in just a few minutes! I don't cook chicken any other way

8 months ago

I would eat it 3 times a day❗ Dinner in just a few minutes! I don't cook chicken any other way!

▶ Recipe and ingredients:
6-8 chicken thighs
some vegetable oil
Fry the chicken on both sides until golden brown
1 carrot
Fry for a few minutes
600-800 g potatoes
2 onions
3-5 garlic cloves
2 tablespoons tomato paste
Salt, black pepper
Rosemary, Italian herbs
pour water up to the top layer of potatoes
Bay leaves
Cook for 10 minutes over medium heat
Add chicken and simmer for another 20-30 minutes over medium/low heat
Turn the chicken over halfway through

1/2 small head of young cabbage
1 cucumber
Canned corn
Salt, black pepper
1-2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 tablespoons mayonnaise
A delicious dinner for the whole family is ready!
Enjoy your meal and thanks for watching!

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