Did Dolly Dearest Rip Off Child's Play?

9 months ago

Dolls galore! The horror genre, a double-edged sword, suffers when an original concept is overused, losing its essence. Is imitation really flattery? Today, we explore a Horror Movie Ripoff between two rubber-clad, deity-loving entities on a killing spree. One, with sequels, TV shows, a legacy, and global fame; the other, perhaps a forgotten glance in the local blockbuster. Does 1991’s Dolly Dearest outshine Don Mancini’s Chucky in Child’s Play? Let’s dive into this Horror Movie Ripoff installment

Written By: Paul Bookstaber
Narrated By: Ryan Cultrera
Edited By: Ryan Cultrera
Produced by: John Fallon
Executive Produced by: Berge Garabedian

SERIES SYNOPSIS: Horror Rip-Offs is a series that explores low-budget rip-offs of big-budget movies, which were ample in the 80s / 90s and today via Asylum mockbusters. Let's celebrate the shlock as we dive into Joblos Horror Rip-Offs!

For more HORROR MOVIE NEWS, visit: https://www.joblo.com/horror-movies/n...

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