Cop can't handle being called on his lies by victim

9 months ago

This is Dylan and this is his 4th attempt to write a report with the willimantic police. They told him to be a "man" about it. They didn't talk to or take any of his witness statements. Funny to hear them talk about people acting like "men" when they don't even act like men. How ya gonna give advice you don't even follow? This 🤡 was more set on harassing and trying to violate my rights, then helping the victim. That doesn't add up. He wants people to listen to him about harassment and 3rd party contact when he's actively showing that he doesn't even understand something as basic as "interfering". Yea that's who will listen to. Not. Then when he goes in to write his statement the officers more worried about talking smack about me than his job. It just reinforces that this sore loser isn't fit for public service. Imagine if he just did his job any of the first 3 times, we wouldn't have even been there. This is for as always news and educational purposes, the public needs to be aware of what these servants are doing and acting around them on a daily basis. Clearly this guy pis just a liar, he's not same cop that told the kid that was kidnapped that they passed the case off "to the state police" which was another blatant lie.


This fool is from the
Willimantic Police Department
22 Meadow St, Willimantic, CT 06226
+1 860-465-3135

This is their fb but they shut the comments off after the first time they violated my rights so they can appear online to not be as scummy as they are

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