Never better explained 👍

10 months ago

Never better explained 👍
💯 spot on
never understood this??
in Canada, they also took our plastic straws. I go to Wendy's get a pop in a plastic cup with a paper straw
I love in my grocery store they actually announce that plastic bags are against the law ….. as I’m packaging my fruit in a plastic bag. I laugh everytime
Here in Australia, we haven’t been able to get plastic bags from our grocery stores for a few years now. We have to bring our own reusable bags or pay for small paper bags that rip.
Been like this in the UK for years. We have to buy the plastic bags now 35p each! Just a way for the government to put a tax on plastic bags 😂
Uk here. We have to have paper straws that unwrap before the drinks finished- in a plastic lined cup with a plastic lid- paid for by plastic money.


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