Don Bacon Opening Statements (Part 2 Liar) - 2024 Nebraska Primary Debates

9 months ago

Scott: Welcome back to the 2024 Nebraska Primary Debates we just heard from Donny Rotten Bacon and here’s a recap.

Donny Rotten: (gibberish)

Chris: It sounds like he’s working for everyone except Nebraska.

Gary: Then he lies and says he’s all for Nebraska.

Rosie: He’s a talented and gifted liar.

Lucy: Yeah.

Ian: Sometimes the truth hurts like when people describe the way I look.

Donny Rotten: I’m just doing the right thing for Nebraska so that Israel and Ukraine can enjoy the good life.

Chris: He says he’s doing the right thing but it’s always the wrong thing.

Rosie: If lying is wrong then he don’t want to be right.

Donny Rotten: I rely on my faith, the faith that I will keep getting away with all my lying cheating and stealing as long as I keep smiling and saying that it’s all for the people in Nebraska.

Gary: Saying ain’t doing.

Chris: And what he’s doing benefits everyone but Nebraskans.

Emory: Lying is bad bro.

Ian: I just wish people would lie to me when they tell me how I look.

Scott: Well there you go folks and the one thing everyone can agree on is that Dirty Donny Rotten DACA DEI Bacon is a lying dishonorable traitor who is as phony as a three dollar bill.

#nebraska #primarydebate #nebraskaprimary #deprimarydebate #election #nebraskaelection #goodmorningnebraska #petericketts #donbacon #debfischer #mikeflood #adriansmith #JohnGlenWeaver #danfrei #scottvorhees #kfab #kfak #omaha #omahanebraska #lincoln #lincolnnebraska #election2024 #2024elections #donnyrotten #donnyrottenbacon #daca #dei #phony #dishonorable #traitor #lie #liar #gay4bacon

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