"Mostly Peaceful Beheadings" George Washington Univ students hold People's Tribunal

9 months ago

At the George Washington University Gaza Solidarity Encampment today, the protesters held a "People's Tribunal" where they put President Ellen Granberg, Provost Christopher Bracey, the Board of Trustees, GWU Police, and many others on trial.

Is it normal for students to want to hang their provost and chop the heads off of the Board of Trustees?

"Guillotine, Guillotine, Guillotine, Guillotine"

"Bracey, Bracey, we see you. You assault students too. Off to the motherfucking gallows with you."

"As you already know where I am sending her [to the guillotine], her and her fuckass bob."

When will GWU finally do something? If the students hurt any of these people in any way, the university will be completely at fault.

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