CCP Hacked the UK Ministry of Defence

10 months ago

05/07/2024 Sky News Australia: CCP has reportedly hacked the UK Ministry of Defence, resulting in a major data breach. Officials in the MoD building discovered a cyberattack on a payroll system for existing service personnel and some veterans over the weekend. Although tomorrow when Secretary of State for Defence Grant Shapps tells MPs details of what went on he will not name China, but Sky News reporter Sam Coates said that CCP is the identity of who they think is behind it.
05/07/2024 澳大利亚天空新闻:据报道,中共黑客入侵了英国国防部,导致了一起重大数据泄露事件。上周末,英国国防部官员发现现役军人和部分退伍军人的工资系统遭到了网络攻击。尽管明天国防大臣格兰特·沙普斯在向国会议员讲述此事详情时不会点名中共,但《天空新闻》记者Sam Coates表示,中共就是他们所认为的幕后黑手。

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