Exodus, Part 18

10 months ago

Are you in a time of testing right now, like the people in the wilderness? Join Amy as we continue through Exodus Chapters 25 & 26. First came the Law, then came the Covenant, and now comes the time of Atonement, a time of provision to provide a way for the nation of Israel to have a dwelling place with God. A lessor picture to the greater picture; God outlines what was needed for the High Priests to commune with Him through detailed instructions of how to build His earthly tabernacle, a representation of what exists in Heaven. Amy takes us through the parallels of Christ as our Heavenly tabernacle, and through Christ's sacrifice, now we are able to directly commune with God.

This is a verse-by-verse Bible study, allowing deep understanding and context of God's Word. This audio-only recording was adapted from a live Zoom meeting that originally took place on 04/21/24.

Amy offers online Biblical Christian counseling. For more information, visit her website at www.biblicalguidancecounseling.com or email her at amy@biblicalguidancecounseling.com

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