Dr. Thomas Horn Explains The True Purpose Of The CERN Collider.

9 months ago

Author and Investigative Journalist Dr. Thomas Horn explains what the CERN Collider's purpose really is.

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Operation Mockingbird
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(Doomsday Project)
Operation Project Seal
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Operation Delirium
Project Rainbow
Operation Midnight Climax
Project Woodpecker
Project Stagate - Grill Flame, Sun Streak
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Operation Fishbowl
Project Bluebook
Project Coast
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Jekyll Island
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Emperor Constantine
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Frankfurt subversion techniques
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Our Spiritual Q Future

1.) What did Jesus say about people who fear UFOs in the last days? He called them UNREADY.

Jesus: "then the Arrival of the Son of Man! It will fill the skies. No one will miss it. Unready people all over the world will raise a huge lament as they watch the Son of Man blazing out of heaven."

Who is the Son of Man? Those who are 'like human but not human'. The exact meaning changes with context. It can mean Angels of Light, or Angels of Light incarnated as human (starseeds).

If Jesus was the only Son of Man, why would he say "it will fill the skies"? And why would he say it will happen before his return?

Jesus: "At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”

It seems that many Christians have the wrong idea.

Why did John's vision in Revelation describe the Son of Man having white hair and carrying a symbol of 7 stars? Because the Son of Man are Pleiadians. Jesus was an incarnated Pleiadian Soul in a human body.

"Fear not, I am the first and I am the last" —from John's vision of the Son of Man in Revelation.

"The First and the Last"? Did you know that myths about the Pleiades are the oldest shared stories in the world? The 7's in ancient scriptures are clues pointing us to the "7 Sisters" of the Pleiades.

Pleiadians never left us. They've been here since the beginning. They've protected Earth from outside threats. They serve as Guides, they send Teachers, they are Angels of Light walking among us unseen. They have incarnated as humans many times themselves, experiencing everything we experience.

We'll be reintroduced to Pleiadians and other Elohim soul family at the Shift and finally "know as we are known".

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