What is needs and concerns of unmarried womens, who are living with singleness

9 months ago

@islamichistory813 #singlewoman #unmarriedwomen #livingalone #womensconcerns #womenabove35years #feelinglonely

Asslamoalaikum sisters brothers friends and elders, We are trying to review of those womens that what is needs and concerns of unmarried womens above 35, who are living with singleness.

Maslow’s argument for a hierarchy of needs is based on the idea that the people different needs have ranged from the basic level of physical needs to the highest level of self-actualization . All individuals, whether single or married, have such needs, but such fundamental and individual needs appear to be somewhat overlooked in single people.

According to the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD), reproductive health refers to a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being associated with the reproductive system and its processes and functions. Despite an urgent need to improve all aspects of reproductive health, there are unfortunately social barriers and discrimination with respect to access to reproductive health .

Studies have shown that single females feel lonely, less attractive, less satisfied with life, and have functional problems with respect to social relationships and self-confidence. Single women also experience status of isolation and stigma. Women in this category are more likely to develop psychological disorders such as depression, aggression, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. They also face problems living independently and communicating with friends. Furthermore, they are likely to experience emotional, psychological, and supportive deprivation, and also to be subject to gender inequality. In a report showed that single people are more likely than married people to engage in addiction or suicide . A study by Kajbaf focused on the psychological consequences of never-married females and males aged 32 to 42 in Iran. Kajbaf found that these people were depressed, socially excluded, and concerned about their finances and personal independence . In contrast, having a partner is claimed to satisfy a person’s need for belonging, and people in committed sexual relationships are happier than single individuals

Cultural and religious norms and expectations may influence the needs and behavior of single women. This is particularly true in those countries where religion and cultural expectations are salient in everyday life. In this context, the present study investigated the needs and concerns of Iranian never-married women aged 35 and older.

This qualitative study involved a conventional content analysis. Interviews were done with 23 never-married women aged 36–64 years in Iran.

A total of 773 codes, 22 subcategories, 8 categories, and 3 themes were extracted from the interviews. The 3 themes were: (1) mental-spiritual lack; categories were lack of emotional support, uncertain future, mental rumination, and sexual worries; (2) reform of culture and society; categories were an adverse effect of culture and being overlooked in society; (3) loneliness arising from disability; categories were aging and loneliness and sickness and loneliness.

The results of the analysis indicate that the needs and concerns of never-married women over the age of 35 years in Iran remain unmet. This suggests that policymakers and health planners should take into consideration the growing number of never-married women as a societal reality deserving of attention.


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