⚡️There’s Only One Disease⚡️

4 months ago

Alfredo Bowman was born in 1933 in Ilanga village in Spanish Honduras. He never had any formal schooling but learned about herbal healing and related traditional practices from his grandmother.
After that, Sebi started to experiment on himself with different herbs and fasting methods. Not only did he heal himself but also started recommending treatments to people around him.
Bowman’s food therapy was based on an alkaline plant-based diet and lots of natural supplements. Sebi developed a treatment called the “African Bio-Electric Cell Food Therapy”, and claimed that it could cure a wide range of diseases including AIDS and cancer.
In 1988 Alfred Bowman was accused and trialed for practicing medicine without a license. He won the lawsuit, after proving he was not practicing allopathic western medicine. More than 70 people testified to being relieved of their diagnosis after following Dr. Sebi’s diet.
Dr. Sebi’s healing approach was outside-in. By combining a balanced diet comprised of unprocessed plant-based foods, lots of water, and some supplements, Sebi claimed to cleanse the body of excess mucus. Sebi claimed that the excess mucus in the body causes most of the modern diseases that people battle with.
On 28 May 2016, Alfredo Bowman and his associate were arrested on charges of money laundering. Sebi was kept in a Honduran prison where he got critically ill of pneumonia. Bowman died on 6 August 2016, on the way to the hospital.
About the photo:
Purslane is another of those backyard weeds that is under-appreciated.
While it is usually considered a weed, it is an excellent groundcover, vegetable, and medicine.
You can eat it in a salad. It has a salty, sour flavor that adds variety with its taste and texture.
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