What is a FREE CONSULTATION? What A Lawyer Do For Me (And What Should NO LAWYER EVER Do or Say)?

4 months ago


In this vid, Scott tells you what to expect when you get a free consultation about your injury case from an personal injury attorney?

What is REASONABLE and what is NOT REASONABLE to expect? What questions can realistically be answered and which can't (and if a lawyer DOES answer this particular question, you should RUN AWAY from that lawyer as fast as possible because they are either incompetent or full of beans...

Really good idea to know what to expect out of a free consult with an injury lawyer, so go ahead and take a look at the video.

I make these videos so injured people know what they are dealing with.

If you'd like to know more, I created a FREE Injury DVD and Book called "The Five Biggest Secrets of Illinois Injury and Accidients Cases and Claims". I offer it to injured people for 100% no cost and no obligation.

To get your free copy, just click here: https://bit.ly/2DjIXnT

Need help RIGHT NOW? Or a no-charge Case Strategy Session?

Call 312-500-4500. 24 hours a day, every day of the week.

Want More Info On how injury cases work? Check out my web site:


Thanks for watching and let me know if I can help. :)

Scott D. DeSalvo
Injury Lawyer

Call for a free consultation -- any time, night or day --- FOR FREE -- by calling me at 312-500-4500.

(Free call 24/7/365, 312-500-4500)

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