New Zealande Aotearoa Social Welfare is Global controlled by Parent Companies

4 months ago

This is an education video about Social Welfare govt admin offices. Who is really in the background? Who is really pulling all the strings? Who is responsible as a minister of Social development for the last 40years - that never explains the system of Slave Trading off Birth Certificates For Sale to transfer money from Stocks & Bonds DEBT SECURITIES. Also DEBT Securities relying on Sovereign Native Title Land Deeds Private Individual Owners - to make a profit combined with Birth Certs worth Billions of Dollars. This is guarded by military Police state probation security contracts. Where is Justice to correct this Slavery? New Zealand income should be strictly for New Zealanders NOT Foreign Imposters getting a Handout as bludgers! It's a MSD = ministry of social development
WINZ = work & income. Social Welfare is a Federal agency & relies on Internal Affairs info IDs tracking. Mega Parent Companies enslaving people as Infants-Invalids categorized falsely fraudulently.
I also include this is Federal Slavery by a shadow govt & they use Internal Affairs acts of witch craft to screen people 'Daily'. INTERNAL AFFAIRS Wellington Update -
Citizens act 1977 (constant demand to prove you are a citizen by IDs carried eg Driver License, Birth Cert, passport, student ID),
Births, Marriages, Deaths Registration act 1995 (demanding you prove ID Name&DOB date of birth&Address location),
Verification act 2012 (demand Bank Account Details & ID),
Identity information act 2012 (demands you Identify yourself to these cronies),
Passports act 1992 (demand ID presented or copies),
Marriage act 1955,
(demands you prove you are in a partnership to opposite sex for breeding purposes)
Human assisted reproduction technology act 2004 (cloning copying your ID & taking body samples),
Status of Children act 1955 (these homosexual LGBT Satnic Occult policy maker pedophiles are interested in your children),
A pedophile police state illegal police CIA surveillance nazi tracking crime syndicate subjecting people to their demands for money that Belongs to birthright inheritances access to estates. This Slavery Subject psychiatry psychopath operation THE BEAST SYSTEM
must end :
This govt demands IDs to apply including birth cert or Driver's License IDs. NZ DRIVERS LICENSE WARRANTS For HUMAN ORGAN HARVESTING by crown-vatican-rothschilds. Remove the Coroners Office from Maori landcourt! Coroners Office processes Dead Bodies for Organs Harvested by QE Hospitals. NZTA-LTSA-Police-DHBs hospitals-Courts-Politicial parties are Evil Human Organ Harvestors. Using their
cult DRIVERS LICENSE IDs system. We Demand A FULL criminal investigation & Audit! We Demand the Exposing of this sick cult practice for 60years!!! Native Sovereign Maori are being Organ Harvested by Pedophiles International Courts & Nazi police medical military industrial complex in Aotearoa New Zealand & Treaty of Waitangi 1975 act law, policy, regulation is used by Parent Comporations treating us as Infants-Invalids- Irrelevant. These Maori landcourts are paid ppp partners! Today, Indigenous Warrior organs are a multi billion industry like human trafficking. The crime operation is guarded by Border Security Staff at Courthouses & Roads are International highways demand a Quota system of 'Roading Deaths' Dead Bodycounts, yearly. Where is Justice? THIS DRIVERS LICENSE MUST GO to End Slavery. The Courthouse Border Security Staff wear black & white uniforms like Saint Johns Ambulance emergency harvestors, contracted to Goldman Sachs. And court judges blackcapes of Jesuit Catholic priest robes - executioners to murder people by Hammer. The Auctions are Animal Farming courtcases:
NZ Police use of Criminal Procedure act 2011. Part 1 Purpose Claus(b) Electronic- radioactive  currents signals & circuits-biometrics-opitical, describing EMF SMART TECH 5g as bioweapons DEW to Torture & Assault NZers by stealth. And includes Health Security Risk Management Assessment fraud allegations to Shutdown  Whistleblowers non compliance to Smart Cities & Vaccines (SnakeBite), Digital verification, digital currency, digital IDs in partnership with Bill Gates-UN-WHO-WEF-CCP. LGBT fuelled Police partners, with Power Companies & Telecommunications SECURITY militant Parent  companies use of Weapons of Mass Destruction via SMART grid tech HAARP DARPA. AGENDA2030 rollout. This Declaration of War upon citizens & sovereigns by elites Illegal invasion of NZ. Cult police must be disarmed disabled remove Tazer weapons & firearms & scanning devices including Breath Testing electric devices. All radioactive radiation poisoning programs exposure is toxic population reduction health threats - blood clots, brain bleeds, cancers, heart failure, attacks central nervous system inducing seizures, radiation burns:
LandcTheft Care Theft Income theft. It's a brutal Hate Crime Cycle of colonization MATA Mahinarangi Forbes:
Maori Sovereign Native Land - fleeced Perpetual Leases:
All Rights Reserved.

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