Kristein Ullman- Pres. Eagle Forum, U.S. Policy Link Analysis New Paradigms w/Sargis Sangari EP 194

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On Monday, 6 MAY 24, on New Paradigms w/Sargis Sangari EP 194, On the Internationally Recognized date for the Holocaust Remembrance Day, join me and Kreistein A. Ullman, a respected figure and President of Eagle Forum. as we discuss U.S, Domestic & Foreign Policy Decision Points.

We discussed Eagle Forums counter-narratives supporting individual U.S. Citizen rights over the WHO "Pandemic Treaty" push and proposed amendment changes to the International Health Regulations (IHR) by the current administration.

We discussed Kristein Ullman's work with Congressional and Senate leaders to offer legislation (HR1425 & S444) to counter President Biden's most likely signing of the amendment changes to the IHR.

We also discussed issues and topics related to the U.S. educational system's challenges to Title IX and the ability of the individual citizen to challenge the preexisting narratives from the significant universities where all the student "protests" are taking place.

We dwell into a deeper discussion on Anti-Semetism on the campus on the anniversary date of the Warsaw uprising, where members of the Polish free fighters rose to combat the Nazis and, in the process, stopped the massacres of the Jews in the Warsaw Ghettoes.

We discussed the legal challenges to the violation of Immigration laws on the U.S. Southern Border and the ability of Congress, using its status as the purse holder, to hold the Executive Branch accountable for its actions in enforcing immigration laws and challenges to existing laws and through new legislation as in H.R. 7109 that requires the decennial census to include a citizenship question and excludes noncitizens from the population on which the appointments of U.S. House of Representatives and electors for each stat is based on.

We look at Kristein's work on several immigration issues, including preventing illegals from using the CBP app as an I.D. for airline travel to support national security efforts to fight future terrorism.

Finally, we look at the link analysis of the funding and the political support driving these policies.

Kris brings her experience as a former Legislative Director for Senator John D. Ashcroft (R-MO) and as Deputy Associate Attorney General in the Office of Legal Policy in the U.S. Department of Justice to the discussion to help us negotiate the turbulent political world of Washington, DC.

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