Commie, jihadis, and traitors, oh my!

8 months ago

This is Charles Martel coming to you from Florida and bringing down the hammer for the Canada Free Press because without America, there is no freedom.

Foreigners, communists, soy boy testosterone challenged sissies, and fat, homely and hirsute women have, for the past couple of weeks, set upon a number of the nation’s universities like a plague of locusts in a wheat field to demonstrate in support of Hamas and against Israel and the United States. The home grown among this fetid, stinking detritus in one respect bear an important resemblance to their forbearers at any given point over the last 100+ years; that being, a grossly disproportionate number of them are from wealthy, mega-privileged backgrounds.

...For 60 years, nearly 3 generations, we’ve taken a laissez-faire attitude toward the left and its Marxist goal; that time must end now. Even if it means changing rules and bending our Constitution. Progressives have no respect for our nation or our Constitution; they’ve been happy to use the Western freedoms to advance their goals. How long do you think China would have put up with these demonstrations?

It is time to acknowledge that our patience has been exhausted and to come to terms with the fact that we are in a violent fight for existence.

This is Charles Martel for the Canada Free Press. You can find me on Rumble and Spotify at CharlesMartelCFP.

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