36. Part 1: Dr. Robert Malone Speaks Out

8 months ago

Dr. Robert Malone joins The Feds for a two-part series. This week, Dr. Malone reflects on the past couple of years. He tells of his own vaccine injury, how he’s been helped, and responds to accusations that he is “controlled opposition.”

Dr. Robert Malone is an internationally recognized scientist and public health policy expert. He is also a physician, best-selling author, and political commentator. Dr. Malone is the original inventor of mRNA vaccination and DNA vaccination and has been a thought leader during the COVID era. Dr. Malone is president of the Malone Institute, whose mission is to bring back integrity to government, science, and medicine. Dr. Malone writes a daily Substack called “Who is Robert Malone,” which is read by about a half million people, and he is featured on many TV broadcasts, podcasts, and documentaries. He also hosts a weekly series named “Fallout” on the Epoch TV Channel.

Dr. Malone’s Substack: https://substack.com/@rwmalonemd

Twitter: @RWMaloneMD



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