Fundamental Mechanics of Subsea Riser - Static Equation Analysis Online Course

10 months ago

Risers are essential components of offshore oil and gas production systems since they are responsible for transport these fluids to/from the wells from/to the floating facilities. Thus, structural analysis of marine risers has been an active research field in the last decades. Currently, there are many reliable analysis programs for riser analysis based on the Finite Element Method (FEM).

However, this approach incurs in high computational costs due to its complexity and alternatives that are more efficient have been sought. Risers are subjected to static and dynamic loads, but it is known that in the earlier steps of riser design it is very important to evaluate the riser behavior under static loads, as self-weight, buoyancy, hydrostatic pressure, currents and floater movements (static offset).

This course presents an efficient and accurate approach for riser static analysis based on the numerical integration of the differential equilibrium equations of a cable subjected to vertical and horizontal static loads. The riser is modeled as an inextensible cable without bending stiffness, subjected to effective weight, drag force and offset.

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