Taurus Sun Lover;s Chariot Energy Vlog

10 months ago

Taurus Sun Lover;s Chariot Energy Vlog title is from the date May 6, 2024 thus 19 the Sun card and the Sun is in Taurus The lover ar from the Quality and the chariot is form the amplitude.

The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure news site showed us six amplitudes today, the first was a power of 31 at 2:00 AM UTC Thus we have the High priestess being asked by the Emperor for a spell to reveal his enemies in the royal court. The second amplitude is a power of 45 at 3:30 AM UTC thus The hermit visits the other hermit in the cave next door to consult on the wisdom they will share.The third and fourth amplitudes are a power of 48 at 9:15 AM and 10:45 AM UTC thus the first say the Devil is giving the Hanged Man hard time for his sacrifice to the lord. then The sun enlightens the hanged man and he laughs at the devil's attempts to pervert him. We then had the big spike in amplitude power of 61 at straight up Noon thus the Hanged man comes off the tree and takes the chariot to warn the emperoo of the devils plans. The last amplitude power of 59 at 12:45 PM UTC thus the world caqlls for temperance and an end to war upon her the world say s let peace reign forever more. The Quality is a power of 6 thus the Lovers card with Balance and harmony the couple agrees with the world for peace balance and love. The frequency average is 7.82 hertz Thus we have the Star card with Hope beauty vulnerability and clarity of vision our star family want us to find peace too.

Therefore, we can say: The Taurus Sun Shines on the Emperor's Chariot as he honors the lovers of bringing peace and love to the Star of hope and clarity. The
Elemental Oracle gave us the Mountain card providing us clarity as we gain a highte4ndd view from the mountaintop. flall is the ancient Norse for mountain.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure news site:
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