Creating a More Compassionate and Loving World

7 months ago

June 3 - Creating a More Compassionate and Loving World
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Do we truly desire a more compassionate and loving world? If so, then let this world begin within us now. Let us dedicate this day to those we are withholding our forgiveness, compassion and love from. Being all One, the expressions of love that we withhold from them are expressions of love that we deny ourself. When we bless those who curse us, we will feel that healing energy soothe our soul. When we curse those who curse us, we only darken and corrupt the path that we are both walking on. Today, let us rediscover what a gift and blessing it is to be able to use free will to liberate ourself from the ego’s judgment-centric programs. We do so by forgiving and showing compassion and love for those who the ego would demand we judge, fear, and condemn.

Today, let us stop waiting for the world to physically manifest into a more compassionate and loving place. Instead Let us learn to proactively use our thoughts, words, actions and interactions as building blocks to help create this new, more compassionate and loving world. Today, we become a physical reflection and representative of compassion and love. Before any interaction, let’s remind ourself, “My primary goal is to be compassionate and loving towards those God sends my way.” By placing the goal at the beginning of any interaction, the interaction then becomes a means to achieve our goal. Let us also be grateful to those in our life who, through our interactions with them, are offering us the opportunities to practice being and thus reinforcing our true loving and compassionate nature.
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