Don't Cast Pearls Before Swine - Jesus Isn't the Only way?

10 months ago

2024-05-06 Don't Cast Pearls Before Swine - Jesus Isn't the Only way? - Steph & Courtney go off on the Bear in the Woods People lol.


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*DISCLAIMER* All descriptions are generated by AI, and are not always super accurate, although usually entertaining…

Welcome to the latest episode of the Ask a Christian podcast with your host Nate Cunningham! 🎙️ Today, we're diving into some thought-provoking topics. First up, we unravel the meaning behind "don't cast your Pearls Before Swine" - let's explore its deeper significance. Then, we tackle the accusation that Christians are arrogant for proclaiming Jesus as the sole path to salvation.

But that's not all! Steph and Courtney join the discussion as we delve into the viral TikTok debate: would you leave your child with a man or a bear in the woods? Which is safer? Plus, we examine the complexities of anti-Semitism laws and their implications for free speech.

And of course, we revisit Kristi Noem's dog controversy - is there any justification for it? Join us as we navigate these compelling topics and more on this episode of the Ask a Christian podcast. 🙏 #AskAChristian #FaithTalk #ChristianPodcast #BibleStudy #FaithJourney #ReligiousDialogue #PearlsBeforeSwine #Salvation #Christianity #TikTokDebate #Parenting #AntiSemitism #FreeSpeech #KristiNoem #DogControversy #DeepDive #ThoughtProvoking #Spirituality #PodcastDiscussion #CurrentEvents #ReligiousDebate #ChristianValues #ControversialTopics #KeepTheFaith #SeekingTruth #ChristianCommunity #PodcastListeners

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