BFF Chat: Where Hot Topics Meet Real Talk l Episode 33 l You Heard What I Said Podcast

10 months ago

Another oldie but goodie…it’s time for more hot topics. This time around Malcolm is joining in on the fun! Who’s Malcolm?…Only Kion’s best friend for almost 40 years! We figured who better to help us answer these questions than Kion’s day one! So, get your drink ready and toast with us as we begin another episode of the You Heard What I Said Podcast.

Part one of hot topics, since we tend to be a little long winded is quite hilarious! We are definitely learning a lot about each other in these 45 minutes. We’re ranging from superpowers, location, clowns and relationships. It’s always nice to have a guest providing a different perspective. Fortunately, Malcom isn’t just a guest or Kion’s best friend, he’s family! Just wait until part 2, there are even more laughs!

Don’t forget, Kion and I have some great new ventures that we are super excited to share with all of you. We have the You Heard What I Said White Noise live on Rumble and now released to our YouTube page. Welcome to You Heard What I Said White Noise on YouTube. Also, stay tuned as we have more exciting features including more guests coming as we continue to grow our channel.

Join in on the fun and comment your responses on these wild hot topics. We are more than happy to hear from all of you! If you have a question for one or both of us, or if you want to reach Malcolm, feel free to share on our page. As always, these are our personal experiences that we’re sharing with everyone! We aim to bring light, laughter, and fun to every episode. Just two siblings seeking to bring joy and enlightenment to every viewer.

Topic #1: Hot Topics Part 1
#Viral #FYP #Outside #SpecialGuest #FamilyFriend #GetYourDrinkReady #HotTopic #Malcolm #Baseball #SportsBar #NBAPlayoffs #MusicFestival #HouseMusic #ThankYouMyra #Questions #Relationship #HappyBirthday #DontJudgeUs #WhiteNoise #Laughter #Thankful #40PlusClub #Outtakes #HardKnockOnTheBeat #YouKnowYouKnow #YouHeardWhatISaid #Kion #Precious #Podcast
Watch episodes on YouTube:
Listen on Spotify: You heard what I said podcast
Follow Kion on Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook: @kionsaid37
Follow Precious on Instagram & Snapchat: @precioussaid888

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