Hyrum's Hidden Talk

9 months ago

I briefly cover another historic talk, buried and forgotten by the LDS Church, in which the prophet and seer Hyrum Smith denounces polygamy. Please like, share, and subscribe!

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- Michelle Stone’s Interview with Whitney Horning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1n_mDIsV6LI&t=317s
- Levi Richard’s journal containing his notes of Hyrum’s talk: https://catalog.churchofjesuschrist.org/assets/e8d44719-6577-4503-86b8-1641367be6b9/0/0
- The Nauvoo Legion minutes, confirming the 1843 date: https://www.josephsmithpapers.org/paper-summary/minutes-nauvoo-legion-20-may-1843/1

For your convenience, here’s the transcript of Richard’s notes—at least, everything I could understand:

May 14 1843. Attend meeting at the temple AM. Hyrum Smith addressed the people – subjects from the Book Mormon 2d Chap Jacob – remember that the Book Mormon was a mirror, a key, to the Bible – spoke of persecution as being one of the ways of salvation – when persecution ceased, apt to forget the first commandment [which, in case you’ve forgotten, is to have no other gods, idols, or objects of worship] – said there were many that had a great deal to say about the ancient order of things as Solomon and David having many wives and concubines – but its an abomination in the sight of God – if an angel from heaven should come & preach such doctrine would be sure to see his cloven foot & cloud of blackness over his head, - though his garments might shine as white as snow – a ^man might have one wife – concubines he should have none – observed, that the idea was that this was given to Jacob for a perpetual principle – said,-“I would say that in consequence of the pres plenty of some they look down with contempt on their neighbors – partiality to some class-making their dress to correspond sc, aught to be looked upon with indignantly by all the noble minded in the Church of God – speaking of curls – he said they were to feed the hungry instead of spending their money to buy curls – What Joseph had said upon the subject he had said to [prow? Prune?] them – will not those upon whose heads the hair grew to make the curls claim it in the resurrection – whose will be the curls in the resurrection – I am a plain man – to God I am responsible – I deal in plainness [&?] if the [Lord says?] what he shall do – if he has two coats let him give one to him that has none – speaking of riding dresses – [a cop?] imitating sailors with a feather & tail hanging down to the horses feet can be bought – can you give one picayune to the foot? I am opposed to females forming military circles in every shape!! Women should be chaste keepers at home – remarked, that there must be a spirit of oneness, & the spirit of equity, in the church of Jesus Christ – another things I am opposed to females walking after dark – those I [?] after this shall give an excuse – spoke of the danger from marauders abroad - & also talking & talebearing I believe them that one chaste will be keepers at home at home spoke of brothers going to land with brothers – if a man wont pay me shall I sue him? No, forgive him – we have something to do in these days of probation – in the last days – try ‘offended before the Church first & cut them off and then take land – (spoke of the preaching of the twelve – that they were great men – mighty men – that on them depended the conversion of the world they could not stoop to preach about such little thigs as these,- but he could.) & said, I feel myself ashamed of such conduct amongst us trifling with property and chastity of one another.

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