White House Strategy To Counter Economic Reality: Lie, Mislead And Don't Use The B-Word As Much

4 months ago

The Biden White House is almost three and a half years into implementing their "Bidenomics" (and taking the rest of us down with them) and the realities have kicked in and are quite obvious. Maybe you're like me and have already made up your mind. Almost everybody else is thinking that too (even though many Democrats will never admit it out loud). The latest lousy jobs report combined with what's happened with the economy the last three-plus years is showing up big time in the polls, even among demographics the Democrats usually take for granted but are now having to shift into pander overdrive to appease (or flat-out buy votes from); ABC POLL: Biden is hemorrhaging support among key constituencies — including Black voters, Latino voters, and younger voters.

However, the Biden campaign's strategy when it comes to economic issues is to simply keep lying about how much better things have gotten: Joe Biden @JoeBiden: “Wages are rising faster than prices, incomes are higher than before the pandemic, and unemployment has remained below 4% for the longest stretch in 50 years. We have more to do to lower costs for hardworking families, but we’re making real progress.” -- Did you notice a word missing from that post? MAZE @mazemoore: “Your economic plan is working so well that you actually stopped calling it Bidenomics because you don’t want your name associated with the current economy.” -- They don't use that word very much anymore. It's amazing that they ever thought branding this economy so Biden takes full ownership of it was a good idea in the first place. But then again, all these people have is bad ideas so maybe I shouldn't be surprised.

🇺🇸 Pismo 🇺🇸 @Pismo_B: “Bidenomics is a disaster for Americans!!” https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GM2u8tubUAAu8Cs?format=png&name=small -- Oh, but your increase in wages more than makes up for that -- or so the clowns at the White House would like everybody to believe. -- Planet Of Memes @PlanetOfMemes: “Joe has it all under control.” https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GM2pyFmWcAAMMHS?format=jpg&name=medium -- Under control… out of control… whatever! They also hope we're dumb enough to count millions of jobs restored after shutdowns as "jobs created" by Biden. Nice try, but no. ⚡OG @Randy_Shannon: “What country is this? FFS” -- The country @JoeBiden's talking about in the tweet must exist on "Earth 2" where Hillary Clinton was president. -- The🐰FOO @PolitiBunny: “Liar.” -- Yep, that sums it up perfectly!

Twitchy: Just SAD: Hillary Clinton FINALLY gets a chance to be president (on 'Earth 2') [video]

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