Dr. Milhalcea & Clifford Carnicom:Synthetic Biological Life – Live Blood Findings in Post C19 Era

9 months ago

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD interviews Clifford Carnicom. They discuss Clifford’s research of Morgellons and CDB, his analysis of this synthetic life forms, his finding of polyvinyl alcohol, an ingredient of Hydrogel. They explore correlations between current live blood findings in the era of C19 injections.
Clifford Carnicom is the founder and President of the Carnicom Institute, a non-profit research and educational organization that is devoted to environmental and health issues. Clifford also worked as a technical research scientist acting in a professional capacity supporting analysis and development of major Department of Defense physical and weapons modeling systems, with extensive computer programming and system application development experience. He has held a Top Secret/SCI clearance. He was appointed for and completed two years of intensive graduate level studies in mathematics, statistics, computer science, and geodesy under the auspices of the Department of Defense. http://carnicominstitute.org/

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