🚩COLLEGE CAMPUS PROTESTS - "don't stop us, violently"

9 months ago

"False Flag" events are very real, just not organic, but orchestrated.
Planned and paid for, supplied and directed by instructions.
In my opinion, they should better be termed as RED FLAG events.
Have posted many times that our TRUE BLUE Patriot color was ALSO stolen and by the main flow media, switched during televised elections monitoring.
The final switch came with the race between Bush Jr. and Gore. 2000
RED has always been associated with communism, including communist flags, as well as ha'satan (the enemy). You see it all of the time, everywhere, IF you are paying attention - they love red and black.👹 It's a very integral and important part of their ritualistic symbolism. It matters "WHY?".. not because of what 'Q' says or just because 'Q' said it.. "EVERYTHING MATTERS"! Not taking back our true color can be likened into a little leaven fermenting a whole loaf of bread. We should not leave one crumb of their manipulative works behind, intact.

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