Ukraine Needs A Dollar (Aloe Blacc - Foreign Aid PARODY)

10 months ago

Speaker Mike Johnson and the U.S give $96 Billion in Foreign Aid to Ukraine and Israel while Americans starve. #ukraine #mikejohnson #parody
This is a Parody of the Aloe Blacc song I need a dollar but its Ukraine that needs a dollar, or several billion dollars actually. This is of course just a money laundering scam which gives the money back to the weapon contractors while everyone skims their share off the top. Mike Johnson fails and supports war funding... big surprise.

This is a parody. I do not own the rights to the music.
The original song is "I need a dollar" by Aloe Blacc

I do current event parody rap. Satirical funny songs about sometimes serious or controversial issues. Hit subscribe and check out the channel.
I am on social sites @beyondblissrap and my last album born deaf is at or on amazon, itunes, spotify etc under the name born deaf.
It features songs with Atmosphere, Ceschi and many others.

If you have a topic you want me to do a current event rap about
Venmo me 20$ @beyondblissrap and I'll get it done.

0:00 Original Aloe Blacc Song
0:12 News story about Ukraine and Israel funding
0:23 Parody Song about Ukraine and Israel Funding
2:36 Breakdown of the cost of U.S funding in Foreign Aid to Ukraine
2:56 Outro

Do you think the U.S should be funding war in Ukraine and Israel? Do you think the money could be spent in better ways in our own country? Did Mike Johnson fail by passing the spending bill?
Let me know is the comments below.

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