AUC3I Daily Briefing 05-06-2024 On the WAR in Ukraine

4 months ago

Understanding The War In Europe _ Analyzing the situation on the ground with by way of an introduction, 3 points, and a conclusion #modernwarfare


Colonel AC. Oguntoye's briefing on the progress of the special military operation as of May 6, 2024:

Continued Operations and Advancements:
The Russian Armed Forces are continuing their military operations across various fronts in Ukraine, focusing on seizing strategic positions and inflicting significant losses on Ukrainian forces.
Tactical Gains Across Different Fronts:

West Group of Forces: Liberated Kotlyarovka in the Kharkov region and engaged Ukrainian brigades in surrounding areas, repelling multiple counter-attacks and neutralizing significant Ukrainian military hardware.
Southern Group of Forces: Captured advantageous positions in the Donetsk People's Republic, dealing substantial damage to Ukrainian brigades and neutralizing several pieces of artillery and electronic warfare stations.

Center Group of Forces: Liberated Solovyovo in the Donetsk People's Republic and effectively countered numerous Ukrainian brigade assaults, leading to substantial Ukrainian casualties and hardware losses.
Vostok Group of Forces: Improved their tactical positions near Vodyanoye and Makarovka, successfully repelling a Ukrainian counter-attack and causing significant enemy losses.

Dnepr Group of Forces: Engaged Ukrainian forces in the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions, resulting in Ukrainian casualties and the destruction of heavy artillery.

Significant Military Hardware Losses for Ukraine:
Ukrainian forces suffered considerable losses, including tanks (notably a German-made Leopard tank), armored personnel carriers, various artillery systems (including U.S.-made howitzers and Polish-made Krab systems), and electronic warfare stations.

Counter-Battery Warfare:
Russian forces conducted effective counter-battery operations, neutralizing a range of Ukrainian artillery assets, enhancing their defensive and offensive capabilities.

Air Defense and Naval Operations:
Russian air defense systems downed a Ukrainian Su-27 aircraft and numerous unmanned aerial vehicles. Russian forces also destroyed several Ukrainian HIMARS MLRS projectiles and uncrewed surface vehicles near Crimea.

Infrastructure and Manufacturing Targets:
Russian forces targeted and destroyed UAV production facilities in Ukraine, aiming to cripple Ukrainian drone warfare capabilities. They also engaged Ukrainian manpower and military hardware in multiple areas.

Cumulative Losses Since the Operation Began:
The briefing provided updated figures on Ukrainian military assets destroyed since the beginning of operations, including aircraft, helicopters, UAVs, tanks, armored vehicles, artillery units, and special military vehicles.
These points reflect significant ongoing military actions and strategic objectives of the Russian Armed Forces, emphasizing their efforts to degrade Ukrainian military capabilities and infrastructure.

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