CANADA: Be Prepared For A PLANNED “Giant Emergency”

9 months ago

Canadian Armed Forces & local police are doing a door-to-door ‘wellness check’

“They're basically asking, how are you doing and are you prepared in case of a giant emergency? They are also giving out brochures of everything that you should have in case of an emergency. And to be ready because emergency preparedness starts with you.”

“The exercise, called Trillium Venture, will take place from May 3rd to 5th. And according to the OPP, the Ontario Police Department, press release, the purpose of the exercise is to enhance interoperability with the governmental departments as they work together to respond to a simulated extreme heat scenario.

My first question is, is what is this extreme heat scenario? Are you talking temperatures? Or are we talking about maybe an attack or a simulated attack? Because we all know the World Economic Forum likes to like, you know, predict everything that's going to happen with a lot of accuracy for the future.

But Desi Media went up there and interviewed individual Canadian military force personnel. And one said that this is an annual exercise that they've done almost every year. However, when I looked into it, there was nothing online about a wellness door-to-door check being done by the police and the Canadian Armed Forces.

I even talked to an ex-military personnel who said he's never heard of it either. So now I'm wondering what is going on? Could the Canadian government be preparing us or maybe training us to see military personnel in our small towns as a normal thing for them to come door to door to ask us how we're doing.

You know, in case Justin Trudeau goes full dictatorship on us again like he did in 2020.

But let me just show you this video caught by Dacy Media and then at the end of it, let me know what you think or if you've ever seen this in any of your towns, small towns specifically in the North of the military coming to your door and asking you how you're doing:

Watch the clip and you’ll see actual video proof of a reporter confronting military going door to door. You can see how they’re clearly gaslighting and hiding the truth.

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