Pictou County, Nova Scotia, Chemtrails Sunday May 5th 2024 ONE

8 months ago

Another short clip for the record of the anti-Christers spraying us
with poison again! Of course today, Monday May 6th tis raining
down...black rain folks! Dropping the poisons on us. Planning on
some gardening? Growing your own food? They who you are not
allowed to comment on are actively working at killing us all.

Please educate yourself and your circle of influence.
The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary:

Complain to your MLA! 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 those dolts know not if they are punched or bored. Build greenhouses and grow your food under cover and water with deep well water if possible.

The soil is being changed. Our food, water and air are being poisoned by a corrupt and complicit "government". ALL parties are involved, "voting" a distraction and marking your X gives them your "permission" to do as they well.

Exit the Matrix folks.


Here's a very good, straightforward and relatively inexpensive
hoop greenhouse vid/plan:

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