How to Paint Waterfall, Beginners Demo, Acrylic Painting for Kids

6 years ago

Acrylic painting for kids or beginners - this video shows how to paint a nice waterfall painting that kids under fifteen years old can easily follow. This painting video tutorial was prepared for a group of homeschooling kids, ages 6 to 15. Toots teens mom volunteered to conduct Let's Paint sessions where children will learn how to paint with easy to follow steps. Parents are always amazed with their children's output every after session.

Children can easily come up with a beautiful painting output when they see how the colors are combined together, how the brush is stroked to create the impression one desires to paint. In this particular waterfall painting demo, the painting was done in just over 20 minutes.

The output of the children who participated in this activity are featured here -

This video is uploaded in Youtube here -

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