Nikola Tesla 396 hz Key To Mysteries Manifest your Desires#manifesting#manifestyourdesires

10 months ago

Step into the realm of infinite possibilities with 396Hz Nikola Tesla Frequency, a meditation designed to unlock powerful
Manifestation and attracting frequencies of abundance.

This unique soundtrack is powered by the grounding 432 Hz for natural state of consciousness, 963 Hz for Crown Chakra enlightenment, and 639 Hz to connect your heart chakra with the Earth.

The 396 Hz frequency, known as Nikola Tesla's key to the universe, for promoting positive feelings and well-being,
6hz theta wave for attracting abundance for heightened consciousness awareness, These frequencies together create a potent blend for manifestation.

Embrace these frequencies to manifest your desires, align with your highest path, and transform your reality.

Step into the quantum field of infinite possibilities with 369 Hz Nikola Tesla Frequency.

Please use headphones or earbuds
to unlock your manifesting potential
To create more abundance by upgrading your energy bodies and manifesting and create the beautiful life that you have inside of you

Leveling up to heightened consciousness awareness and powerful manifestations.

Flow within these frequencies to manifest your desires align with your highest path and transform your reality.

First grounding 432 Hz for for the natural resonance of consciousness with Earth;s rising frequency

963 Hz for the Crown Chakra for enlightenment intuition and spiritual intelligence and guidance

639 Nikola Tesla connect With The Heart Chakra with the Earth

Nikola Tesla code of key to the Universe in 369 Hz and 639 Hz plus 4-8HZ Theta Waves for creating abundance
#369 #Nikolatesla #manifestation
#spirituality #dolores #powerfulaffirmation #karmashorts #scriptingmanifestation #diyaffiliatesouljourney #manifestation #shortsfeed2024

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