LET'S GO OLD SKOO PT. TWO! 2004 (With all the swag)

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Okay, Another night of Hunting! Now that we figured out some of the problems with the mod. . And how to play the game; We can own the night.

THIS GAME WAS MADE IN 2004! Shit, that was 20 years ago, back in the days where dialup was still a necessary thing, but broadband was just out of it's infancy. Unreal Tournament 2004 was huge,Thief: Deadly shadows, Riddick kept your buddy out of prision because he liked that game so much. Silent Hill 4 the Room gave , Burnout 3 Got us into Racing games, because that wasn't a racing game, it was a crashing game (and we have that covered). But over all on console it was over to San Andres to do a little GTA. Or out to space to fight on the battlefront. It was a hell of a year for Gaming. A Platinum Age. And then DOOM 3 And HALF-LIFE 2. And with that very tech, this game as well. Vampire The Masquerade.
(My How Time Passes)

If you want to check out the HD patch for yourself go here! And the creator has a YT. Give em' a sub.

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