Karl Marx and the Permutations of Historical Materialism

10 months ago

TODAY IN PHILOSOPHY OF HISTORY: Karl Marx and the Permutations of Historical Materialism

Sunday 05 May 2024 is the 206th anniversary of the birth of Karl Marx (05 May 1818 – 14 March 1883), who was born in Trier on this date in 1818.

Marx, like Kant, didn’t write explicitly on the philosophy of history, but he left enough clues across many books and manuscripts to allow us to reconstruct a Marxian philosophy of history. Several elements enter into Marx’s conception of history, and we can see the many possible permutations of historical materialism as we consider alternative formulations of the elements that Marx combined into an organic whole. Prising apart this whole gives us greater philosophical insight into Marx than accepting the whole that has become entrenched in Marxist ideology.

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