Riley Waggaman & Morgan Lerette on The Pelle Neroth Taylor Show - 04 May 2024

5 months ago

GUEST 1 OVERVIEW: Author at Brownstone Institute. Riley Waggaman is an American writer and journalist based in Moscow. He contributes to Anti-Empire and Russian Faith, and previously worked for Press TV, RT and Russia Insider.

GUEST 2 OVERVIEW: Morgan Lerette, author of Guns, Girls, and Greed: I Was a Blackwater Mercenary in Iraq, was first deployed to Iraq in 2003 to provide security for the first aerial supply route in Iraq at Tallil Air Base, which was the staging point for the Jessica Lynch rescue. He joined Blackwater in 2004 and was sent to Iraq to protect diplomats. He participated in hundreds of combat missions protecting the Regime Crimes Liaison Office, which gathered evidence for the trials of Saddam Hussein.

He completed his undergraduate degree in 2007 at Northern Arizona University and is commissioned as an Army Intelligence Officer. In 2009, he deployed to Iraq where his team fed reports to Chelsea (Bradley) Manning that were given to WikiLeaks. He left the army as a Captain.

Morgan received a Master’s of International Banking and Finance in 2013 at Tufts University. Lerette assisted the FBI in convicting Matt Marshall of fraud in 2022 by debunking his “proof” that he worked for the CIA.

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